Busi­ness Con­sul­ting –
Vi­sio­na­ry and Suc­cess-Ori­en­ted

For­ward-loo­king busi­ness con­sul­ting: Whe­ther it’s res­truc­tu­ring, suc­ces­si­on plan­ning, or pro­cess optimization—we de­ve­lop cus­to­mi­zed stra­te­gies that boost ef­fi­ci­en­cy, dri­ve growth, and en­su­re fi­nan­cial sta­bi­li­ty.

Best Ad­vice From En­tre­pre­neur to En­tre­pre­neur

Our busi­ness con­sul­ting de­li­vers so­lu­ti­ons pre­cis­e­ly ali­gned with our cli­ents’ ob­jec­ti­ves. From res­truc­tu­ring and suc­ces­si­on plan­ning to or­ga­niza­tio­nal op­ti­miza­ti­on and fi­nan­cing advice—we com­bi­ne busi­ness, tax, and le­gal ex­per­ti­se to ad­dress your chal­lenges in a ho­li­stic man­ner. Th­rough pre­cise ana­ly­ses and for­ward-loo­king con­cepts, we crea­te struc­tures that en­su­re eco­no­mic sta­bi­li­ty and growth.

How You Be­ne­fit From Our In­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry Ap­proach to Busi­ness Con­sul­ting

A stra­tegy is only tru­ly useful if it can be im­ple­men­ted in a way that is both tax-ef­fi­ci­ent and eco­no­mic­al­ly op­ti­mal. At REDONIS, you be­ne­fit from our prac­ti­ce of in­te­gra­ting busi­ness con­side­ra­ti­ons with tax and le­gal aspects right from the start. The out­co­me is so­lu­ti­ons that are not only crea­ti­ve, but also prac­ti­cal and sus­tain­ab­ly suc­cessful.

A suc­cessful res­truc­tu­ring re­qui­res con­cepts that com­bi­ne tax op­ti­miza­ti­on with busi­ness ob­jec­ti­ves. From the in­iti­al idea to im­ple­men­ta­ti­on and fol­low-up, we ma­na­ge the en­ti­re pro­cess, ex­ami­ne tax im­pli­ca­ti­ons, and de­ve­lop fu­ture-pro­of struc­tures that en­su­re long-term eco­no­mic be­ne­fits. This in­cludes:

  • Re­view of tax op­ti­miza­ti­on op­por­tu­ni­ties and de­ter­mi­na­ti­on of a sus­tainable cor­po­ra­te struc­tu­re
  • End-to-end support—from the con­cep­tu­al “idea” and the de­si­red out­co­me of our cli­ents, th­rough plan­ning, re­view, and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of tax im­pli­ca­ti­ons, to (con­trac­tu­al) as­sis­tance du­ring im­ple­men­ta­ti­on and mo­ni­to­ring dead­lines af­ter­ward
  • Tail­o­red so­lu­ti­ons that ali­gn both tax and busi­ness ad­van­ta­ges
  • Be­ne­fit from the ex­ten­si­ve ex­per­ti­se of our spe­cia­list ad­vi­sors in cor­po­ra­te res­truc­tu­ring

Suc­cessful plan­ning and exe­cu­ti­on of a busi­ness suc­ces­si­on re­qui­res in­di­vi­dua­li­zed so­lu­ti­ons that take both eco­no­mic and per­so­nal fac­tors into ac­count. Th­rough well-foun­ded ana­ly­ses and ob­jec­ti­ve va­lua­tions, we enable trans­fer­ors and suc­ces­sors to achie­ve a fu­ture-pro­of and le­gal­ly sound tran­si­ti­on that en­su­res fi­nan­cial sta­bi­li­ty and en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al suc­cess. Our ser­vices in­clude:

  • In­di­vi­du­al­ly tail­o­red so­lu­ti­ons that con­sider fa­mi­ly and emo­tio­nal fac­tors
  • Be­ne­fit from the ex­ten­si­ve ex­per­ti­se of our spe­cia­list ad­vi­sors in busi­ness suc­ces­si­on
  • Tho­rough ana­ly­ses for an ob­jec­ti­ve busi­ness va­lua­ti­on from both a tax and busi­ness per­spec­ti­ve
  • As­ses­sing fu­ture via­bi­li­ty for suc­ces­sors and trans­fer­ors ali­ke (ade­qua­te se­cu­ri­ty, li­qui­di­ty, and loan de­ve­lo­p­ment)

Tar­ge­ted or­ga­niza­tio­nal and pro­cess op­ti­miza­ti­on in­crea­ses ef­fi­ci­en­cy and lays the foun­da­ti­on for sus­tainable busi­ness growth. Th­rough the ana­ly­sis of key fi­gu­res, con­trol­ling, and proac­ti­ve li­qui­di­ty plan­ning, we iden­ti­fy im­pro­ve­ment po­ten­ti­als and de­ve­lop stra­te­gies to make ope­ra­tio­nal pro­ces­ses fu­ture-pro­of. Trust us when it co­mes to the fol­lo­wing are­as:

  • Sus­tainable op­ti­miza­ti­on of busi­ness pro­ces­ses with a fo­cus on in­cre­asing ef­fi­ci­en­cy
  • Con­trol­ling and key fi­gu­re ana­ly­sis
  • Li­qui­di­ty and fi­nan­cing plan­ning
  • Joint iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of growth po­ten­ti­als

A com­pre­hen­si­ve fi­nan­cial ad­vi­so­ry pro­vi­des se­cu­ri­ty and cla­ri­ty for both busi­ness and per­so­nal en­dea­vors. We do not sell pro­ducts, al­lo­wing us to of­fer you neu­tral ad­vice. We take on the plan­ning and im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of in­di­vi­dua­li­zed fi­nan­cing stra­te­gies as well as the de­sign of re­ti­re­ment se­cu­ri­ty me­a­su­res to sus­tain­ab­ly achie­ve your fi­nan­cial goals. This in­cludes:

  • Fi­nan­cial ad­vi­so­ry in the busi­ness and pri­va­te sec­tors
  • Cor­po­ra­te and pri­va­te re­ti­re­ment plan­ning
  • Sup­port in ban­king mat­ters and ac­com­p­animent du­ring bank mee­tings

In­dus­tries that par­ti­cu­lar­ly trust us

REDONIS is the­re for com­pa­nies and en­tre­pre­neurs in all sec­tors. We have gai­ned a gre­at deal of ex­pe­ri­ence and trust in the he­alth­ca­re, in­dus­tri­al and tech­no­lo­gy, ho­tel and ca­te­ring and re­tail sec­tors.

For more than 20 ye­ars, we have spe­cia­li­zed in pro­vi­ding tax and busi­ness ad­vice to doc­tors, den­tists, den­tal la­bo­ra­to­ries and phar­maci­es. With ex­ten­si­ve ex­per­ti­se – pro­ven by num­e­rous spe­cia­list con­sul­tant trai­ning cour­ses com­ple­ted by our em­ployees – in the field of hu­man and den­tal me­di­ci­ne and a strong net­work of ex­perts, REDONIS sup­ports ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve tasks, op­ti­mi­zes pro­ces­ses and of­fers spe­cia­li­zed in­dus­try eva­lua­tions or also pre­pa­res va­lua­ti­on re­ports. The fo­cus is on sup­port­ing in­ves­tor deals as well as on the op­ti­mal le­gal form or sup­port in the step into an MVZ. The aim is to enable the free­lan­cer to run a prac­ti­ce wi­t­hout worries, to ac­tively plan and op­ti­mi­ze the tax bur­den, while be­ing able to ful­ly con­cen­tra­te on their pa­ti­ents. Thanks to this high de­gree of spe­cia­liza­ti­on and the use of red­un­dant­ly free, di­gi­tal struc­tures, we sup­port cli­ents from all over Ger­ma­ny.

In­no­va­ti­ve com­pa­nies in in­dus­try and technology/IT be­ne­fit from ad­vice that un­der­stands their spe­ci­fic chal­lenges. Whe­ther you are a start-up or a mar­ket lea­der, a soft­ware de­ve­lo­per, plat­form busi­ness or me­cha­ni­cal en­gi­neer, we are al­ways at your side, even on the glo­bal stage. We find tail­o­red so­lu­ti­ons for your cor­po­ra­te stra­tegy that se­cu­re your busi­ness ac­ti­vi­ties in eco­no­mic, tax and le­gal terms. Whe­ther cor­po­ra­te fi­nan­cing, in­ter­na­tio­nal ta­xa­ti­on, cor­po­ra­te suc­ces­si­on or res­truc­tu­ring, tog­e­ther we crea­te a sta­ble ba­sis for your sus­tainable and suc­cessful fu­ture.

We un­der­stand the hos­pi­ta­li­ty and ho­tel in­dus­try – and espe­ci­al­ly the peo­p­le be­hind it. With our deep in­sight into the in­dus­try, we of­fer you much more than tra­di­tio­nal tax ad­vice: whe­ther it’s crea­ting fe­a­si­bi­li­ty stu­dies for im­ple­men­ting your in­vest­ment plans, op­ti­mi­zing your busi­ness as­sess­ments or di­gi­tiz­ing your pro­ces­ses, we pro­vi­de you with the ba­sis for suc­cess and growth. We are also at your side when ma­jor de­cis­i­ons need to be made – be it res­truc­tu­ring, stra­te­gic dis­cus­sions with banks or ar­ran­ging your com­pa­ny suc­ces­si­on. Our goal: We crea­te so­lu­ti­ons that not only con­vin­ce to­day, but also se­cu­re your fu­ture.

The dy­na­mic de­ve­lo­p­ments in trade and com­mer­ce con­stant­ly pre­sent com­pa­nies with new chal­lenges – from chan­ging con­su­mer ha­bits and VAT re­qui­re­ments to nar­row mar­gins that re­qui­re pre­cise con­trol­ling. With prac­ti­cal ad­vice, com­pre­hen­si­ble eva­lua­tions and for­ward-loo­king tax plan­ning, we crea­te the ba­sis for you to achie­ve your busi­ness goals re­lia­bly. Whe­ther you are set­ting up, ex­pan­ding or ta­king over a busi­ness, we will sup­port you in every pha­se with cus­to­mi­zed so­lu­ti­ons.

Your one-stop shop for tax, le­gal and busi­ness ad­vice

REDONIS of­fers you tax ad­vice, le­gal ad­vice, ma­nage­ment con­sul­ting and M&A ad­vice from a sin­gle source – a ran­ge of ser­vices that is other­wi­se only available from lar­ge law and tax firms.

We have de­si­gned the con­sul­ting port­fo­lio spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for me­di­um-si­zed com­pa­nies and fa­mi­ly busi­nesses. The law and tax firm has a par­ti­cu­lar fo­cus on the he­alth­ca­re, in­dus­try and tech­no­lo­gy, ho­tel and ca­te­ring, and trade sec­tors.

En­tre­pre­neurs Ask En­tre­pre­neurs Best –

From en­tre­pre­neur to en­tre­pre­neur: Let us shape your suc­cess tog­e­ther. One call to REDONIS is all it ta­kes!