Att­or­ney (m/f/d)


Re­gen / Deg­gen­dorf / Mün­chen

Do you want to get off to a fly­ing start af­ter gra­dua­ting and pur­sue a care­er in a ver­sa­ti­le, cri­sis-pro­of pro­fes­si­on with ex­ci­ting and va­ried tasks?

Then a job in our of­fice and the op­por­tu­ni­ties for ad­vance­ment to be­co­me a tax consultant/auditor (m/f/d) are the right path to a gre­at fu­ture!

About us

We are a re­now­ned law firm spe­cia­li­zing in com­pre­hen­si­ve tax and busi­ness con­sul­ting. To streng­then our team, we are loo­king for a com­mit­ted and qua­li­fied tax con­sul­tant and/or au­di­tor (m/f/d) for tax struc­tu­ring ad­vice.

Your tasks

Prac­ti­ce area: la­bor law

  • Draf­ting and de­sig­ning em­ploy­ment con­tracts
  • Ad­vi­sing our cli­ents on all la­bor law mat­ters (usual­ly from the em­ploy­er’s per­spec­ti­ve), such as crea­ting war­nings, let­ters of ter­mi­na­ti­on, ter­mi­na­ti­on agree­ments, re­fe­ren­ces
  • Cont­act per­son for our pay­roll de­part­ment for ques­ti­ons re­gar­ding la­bor and so­cial se­cu­ri­ty law
  • Net wage op­ti­miza­ti­on and tax as­sess­ment of wage com­pon­ents

Are­as of Prac­ti­ce: Tax and Busi­ness Law

  • Cor­po­ra­te le­gal sup­port for cli­ents: draf­ting ar­tic­les of as­so­cia­ti­on, share­hol­der re­so­lu­ti­ons, loan agree­ments, etc.
  • Cor­po­ra­te suc­ces­si­on, as­set struc­tu­ring (e.g. de­ve­lo­ping tax-op­ti­mi­zed con­cepts for the trans­fer of com­pa­nies or lar­ger as­sets)
  • M&A: sup­port with tax due di­li­gence re­views and tax law con­tract de­sign
  • Tax struc­tu­ring ad­vice, etc.

Your pro­fi­le

  • De­gree in eco­no­mics or com­pa­ra­ble qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on
  • Suc­cessful­ly pas­sed tax ad­vi­sor and/or au­di­tor exams
  • Se­ve­ral ye­ars of pro­fes­sio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence in tax con­sul­ting and/or au­di­ting
  • In-depth know­ledge in the area of tax struc­tu­ring
  • Ana­ly­ti­cal thin­king and strong pro­blem-sol­ving skills
  • Strong com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and team­work skills
  • Pro­fi­ci­en­cy in MS Of­fice and re­le­vant spe­cia­list ap­pli­ca­ti­ons

We of­fer

  • Re­gu­la­ted working hours
  • Vou­ch­ers
  • Bir­th­day vou­ch­ers
  • Free drinks
  • Ho­li­day al­lo­wan­ces
  • Fruit bas­ket
  • Num­e­rous com­pa­ny events
  • com­pre­hen­si­ve fur­ther trai­ning me­a­su­res


Wenn Sie eine ver­ant­wor­tungs­vol­le Po­si­ti­on in ei­nem dy­na­mi­schen Um­feld su­chen und sich durch Ihre hohe Fach­kom­pe­tenz und En­ga­ge­ment aus­zeich­nen, freu­en wir uns auf Ihre Be­wer­bung. Bit­te sen­den Sie Ihre voll­stän­di­gen Be­wer­bungs­un­ter­la­gen un­ter An­ga­be Ih­res frü­hest­mög­li­chen Ein­tritts­ter­mins und Ih­rer Ge­halts­vor­stel­lung an uns.

Got any ques­ti­ons?
Your cont­act

+49 (0) 9921 954–23

On­line ap­pli­ca­ti­on form

Do you en­joy working in a li­vely and sup­port­i­ve team? We de­li­ver cus­to­mi­zed, crea­ti­ve so­lu­ti­ons with in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry know-how and a wealth of in­dus­try ex­pe­ri­ence.