Strong Al­lies Ac­com­pa­ny You on Your Path to En­tre­pre­neu­ri­al Suc­cess

Are you fa­cing tax, le­gal, or busi­ness chal­lenges? Then REDONIS is your first ad­dress. With REDONIS by your side, an ex­cep­tio­nal­ly strong part­ner ac­com­pa­nies you to en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al suc­cess: you have ac­cess to the ex­per­ti­se of a firm with over 60 em­ployees and ne­ar­ly 100 ye­ars of firm histo­ry.

By Your Side Every Step of the Way

The jour­ney of an en­tre­pre­neur is fil­led with many chal­lenges. Over­co­ming the­se chal­lenges is ra­re­ly a pu­rely busi­ness mat­ter. Of­ten, busi­ness de­cis­i­ons are lin­ked to tax, le­gal, or eco­no­mic con­side­ra­ti­ons. It is be­ne­fi­ci­al to rely on a strong part­ner who spe­cia­li­zes pre­cis­e­ly in the­se are­as.

Our con­sul­ting port­fo­lio com­bi­nes tax ad­vi­so­ry, le­gal con­sul­ting, au­di­ting, busi­ness con­sul­ting, and M&A ad­vi­so­ry un­der one roof. This me­ans seam­less sup­port in all busi­ness mat­ters for you. Whe­ther it’s crea­ti­ve tax struc­tu­ring, le­gal­ly sound so­lu­ti­ons, or eco­no­mic­al­ly ro­bust stra­te­gies – we think ahead to en­su­re your suc­cess is sus­tain­ab­ly se­cu­red.

We sup­port our cli­ents not only pro­fes­sio­nal­ly but also per­so­nal­ly. For us, this me­ans: We are al­ways the­re when you need us. Trust in a team that com­bi­nes ex­cel­lent ex­per­ti­se with a per­so­nal touch.

Al­re­a­dy Po­si­tio­ned for the Firm of To­mor­row

The world of tax and le­gal con­sul­ting has evol­ved ra­pidly. REDONIS has ac­tively shaped this de­ve­lo­p­ment ear­ly on and is re­a­dy to of­fer cli­ents the la­test tech­no­lo­gies and pro­ces­ses.

Per­so­nal Pro­xi­mi­ty De­spi­te Di­gi­tal Strength

Our cli­ents app­re­cia­te the per­so­nal sup­port: One call is en­ough, and their per­so­nal ad­vi­sor is the­re for them – sup­port­ed by a strong net­work of ex­per­ti­se. Re­lia­ble, trus­ted, for­ward-loo­king – we ac­com­pa­ny you to suc­cess.

Sta­bi­li­ty That Builds Trust

REDONIS has grown with the de­mands of its cli­ents. Our sta­ble, har­mo­nious team cul­tu­re en­su­res that you can rely on a coor­di­na­ted, mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry team – a strong sup­port, even when things get stor­my.

Proud of Ne­ar­ly 100 Ye­ars of Com­pa­ny Histo­ry

Which tax firm can al­re­a­dy look back on ne­ar­ly 100 ye­ars of com­pa­ny histo­ry? REDONIS has achie­ved this ex­tra­or­di­na­ry de­ve­lo­p­ment th­rough con­ti­nuous ad­vance­ment and fo­cus. Learn more about the key mi­le­sto­nes on the suc­cess path of the firm, foun­ded in 1932, here.

From a Lo­cal Tax Ad­vi­sor to a Re­gio­nal Top Firm – Ne­ar­ly 100 Ye­ars of Histo­ry at a Glan­ce

Which com­pa­ny can al­re­a­dy look back on ne­ar­ly 100 ye­ars of com­pa­ny histo­ry? Here are the key mi­le­sto­nes of this long jour­ney:

The Be­gin­nings

The histo­ry of our firm dates back to 1932. Chris­toph Lei­del laid the foun­da­ti­on by es­tab­li­shing hims­elf as a „book au­di­tor, trus­tee, tax and busi­ness con­sul­tant“ with a con­sul­ting of­fice in Re­gen. In 1980, the firm was pas­sed on to Pe­ter Lei­del. He con­tin­ued the firm in­iti­al­ly as a le­gal ad­vi­sor with the sup­port of trus­tees Stbvm Karl Zu­ber and StBin Agnes Flei­scher, and from 1986 as a tax ad­vi­sor.

Growth Ye­ars

Th­rough con­ti­nuous trai­ning and ad­di­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, the firm en­su­res that high-qua­li­ty stan­dards are met in all tax and busi­ness are­as.

In 2022, the se­cond lo­ca­ti­on was ope­ned in Deg­gen­dorf, and in 2024, a third lo­ca­ti­on in Mu­nich will be ad­ded.

The in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry firm is now led by part­ners Ru­dolf Stett­mer (Tax Ad­vi­sor), Ja­kob Ei­sen­reich (Tax Advisor/Auditor), Ma­ri­na Ba­delt (Att­or­ney), and Ka­rin Mau­rer (Tax Ad­vi­sor).


Start­ing in 2025, the firm will ope­ra­te un­der the name REDONIS. This naming re­flects the trans­for­ma­ti­on and mo­der­niza­ti­on that the firm has un­der­go­ne in its ne­ar­ly cen­tu­ry-long histo­ry: mo­ving away from a per­son-cen­te­red mar­ket pre­sence towards an in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry firm, lo­ca­ted bet­ween the RE­gen, the DO­Nau, and the ISar.

Di­ver­se Ta­lents, Strong In­di­vi­du­als – United in a Co­he­si­ve Team

Our strength lies in di­ver­si­ty: Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on across di­sci­pli­na­ry boun­da­ries en­ables op­ti­mal coor­di­na­ti­on and crea­tes syn­er­gies that meet every chall­enge ef­fec­tively.

Ru­dolf Stett­mer

Tax con­sul­tant

Ja­kob Ei­sen­reich

Tax con­sul­tant

Ka­rin Mau­rer

Tax con­sul­tant

Ma­ri­na Ba­delt


Dr. Pe­ter Lei­del

Tax con­sul­tant
Le­gal coun­sel

Pe­ter Friedl

Tax con­sul­tant

Start sha­ping your care­er – start with REDONIS!

At REDONIS, you not only shape ta­xes and stra­te­gies, but also your own care­er. Be­co­me part of a team that sticks tog­e­ther, makes a dif­fe­rence and leads com­pa­nies to sus­tainable suc­cess. Join our team!

Our ex­per­ti­se flows –
from th­ree lo­ca­ti­ons tog­e­ther

REDONIS is the­re for you at th­ree lo­ca­ti­ons – al­ways clo­se to the cli­ent and in the he­art of Ba­va­ria. Our of­fices are lo­ca­ted on the beau­tiful ri­vers Re­gen, Isar and Da­nu­be, from whe­re we work with re­gio­nal roots and yet with a vi­si­on for you.


Ki­no­weg 4,
94209 Re­gen
+49 9921 954–0


Edl­mairst­ra­ße 1,
94469 Deg­gen­dorf
+49 9921 954–0


Wil­helm-Hale-Stra­ße 50,
80639 Mün­chen
+49 89 5795395–0
Ki­no­weg 4,
94209 Re­gen
+49 9921 954–0
Edl­mairst­ra­ße 1,
94469 Deg­gen­dorf
+49 9921 954–0
Wil­helm-Hale-Stra­ße 50,
80639 Mün­chen
+49 89 5795395–0

We of­fer the ser­vice
for your suc­cess

Come and meet us in per­son, with no ob­li­ga­ti­on. Tell us what we can do for you and find out if we are the right fit for you. We are hap­py to take time for you.